Thursday, September 19, 2013

In the Garden

Hello makeup lovers! Today's look was created with the Stila "In the Garden" palette. I've had this palette for many months, but I had gotten away from using it for awhile, and after playing with it a little more, I DON'T KNOW WHY! The shadows are so gorgeous! There is such a range of looks that this palette can achieve. I suppose you could say this is another fall-inspired makeup, but I can't help it.. I'm super duper excited for this autumn season! (By the way, if one eye looks darker than the other in these pictures, it's because of the weird overcast lighting from my window.) As for the rest of my face, I went with nude/pink/peach lips and cheeks. I felt the eyes were sort of dramatic for me, so I left the rest of the components pretty neutral and simple. I really had fun creating this look, and that's what makeup is all about! XO Maddie

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